ILLEGAL immigrants to their rejection ....!! | Mambomseto Official
Breaking News

Monday, September 23, 2013

ILLEGAL immigrants to their rejection ....!!

194 illegal immigrants who returned home during the implementation of the first phase of Operation Storm that ended last weekend , have been rejected by their country and be restored in the country. Authority responsible for the operation again zimesema had received them while awaiting legal action taken.
The first phase of the operation started on September 6 and September 20 this year concluded after some illegal immigrants , defying President Jakaya Kikwete 's call to return to their homes and if they want to return, follow the procedure of law.
A statement issued by the Deputy Commissioner of Police, Simon Sirro , stated that they were together and not have the reputation of being a citizen of Tanzania , have been reinstated in that also lack the reputation of being a citizen of a neighboring country where the government iliwapeleka after benchmarks prove they are citizens countries .
" By the end of the first phase of this operation , the operation team has recovered criminals armed robbery along with their allies to ensure the citizenship of suspected illegal immigrants , " said Sirro .
According to Sirro , among 212 arrested are suspected of armed robbery and poachers who are citizens of Tanzania 23 .
Weapons Weapons captured bombs 10 thrown by hand , arms 61 including rifles SMG ( 50, Shotgun ( 8 ) , Mark IV ( 1 ) , riffle ( 1 ) , pistol ( 1 ) , pistol and decorations ( 3 ) and muzzle-loader gun 42 along with two plants to manufacture the muzzle-loader gun type weapons .
The other is comprised of 665 shot rifles and SMG bullets SAR 561 , shotgun shooting 22, 82 and muzzle-loader gun shooting fireworks 8 , Army uniform pants and a calabash of water Defence Forces of the Tanzania People . Sirro added that 12,704 illegal immigrants have been arrested , among them 3448 Rwandans , Burundians 6125 , 2,496 Ugandans , Congolese, Somalis 589 44, one Yemeni and one citizen of India .
" Illegal migrants 2129 they agreed to leave the country willingly, 8696 were ndoshwa country by order of the Court having given a certificate of deportation and 1852 were released after the Government to prove their citizenship while others 2286 undergoing interviews to verify their citizenship , " he said.
Official said cattle operation 8226 were arrested while they were orange in forest reserves and Sh 32.5 million has been made available , including fine charges of cattle were left to the National Park .
Vilivyokamatwa other animal skins are kind of service ( 1 ) , case ( 2 ) , buffalo ( 1 ) and 10 pieces of meat vinavyodhaniwa been kidnapped government .
Vilivyokamatwa are two other pieces of elephant tusks with wooden 2105 , logging 86, 467 charcoal bags , illegal alcohol seam 375 liter mill and one bat . They have also arrested 77 kg marijuana and Kokoro used to fish illegally.
" Statistics show that Kagera Region is leading to arrest illegal immigrants 7001 , followed by the Kigoma illegal immigrants okamata 5005 at Geita region of illegal immigrants apprehended were 698 , " said Sirro .
Sirro said despite the progress made , there have been challenges , including the welfare of Tanzanians mixture 60 percent and 40 percent of immigrants in the border regions .
He mentioned other challenges that are some people with bad intentions or kulipizana allegiances , who want to use the same operation kukomoana to mention some of the people that are criminals , whom it lies .
Another is some immigrants after arrests were disqualified from citizenship of Tanzania and even so returned to the country from the zodhaniwa , lacked qualities of citizenship and create conflicts about their citizenship . He said the lack of a national ID led to difficulty in identifying illegal immigrants .
Also missing from the fence at the borders of our country , has led to illegal immigrants are sent to them , go through the mouse. Prospects Sirro said after the completion of Phase One of Operation Cyclone , expect the government will address the challenges faced , to alleviate some of the problems in Kagera, Kigoma and Geita in particular concerning the issues of crime and kiuhamiaji .
" We hope to establish a task force to each region , for the monitoring of criminals who use weapons of war and those donors , " said Sirro .
He said the promotion will be held from the level of family , neighborhood, neighborhood / village , county, divisional , district and national levels , so that communities strengthen the foundations of defense and security review committee available to provide immediate panapojitokeza any matter concerning safety and security in their areas .
He stressed that they set themselves strategically, to see how to handle some of the illegal immigrants who were disqualified from citizenship and returned to their countries , who are clinging to say they are Tanzanians.


